Friday, December 14, 2007

I Think I'm Going To Be Sick

I just got the results of my second beta.

HCG levels were at 852.
Wednesday's were 579.

They didn't double. Far from it. I'm so scared, devastated, I'm worried this pregnancy is doomed.

I can't stop crying hysterically and I don't know what to do. I'm waiting for a call from my doctor to discuss further.

Is it possible that this was all too good to be true?


sarah23 said...

Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry for all of the stress and worry that you must be going through.

I feel like I've read lots of stories on the Ovusoft forums where situtations like this turn out OK.

Still, I understand how you must feel. I am going to hope and pray like crazy for you!

christina(apronstrings) said...

i am so sorry. though i honestly have no idea what this means! i am sure that there is hope. although, like you'd i'd be incredibly upset.
thinking of you.

AwkwardMoments said...

I am saying my prayers .. thinking of you and wishing for only happy positive things!

sarah23 said...

I went on to the "Pregnancy Support" forums of Ovusoft (I normally avoid that one) and found the following FAQ for you. I think you can read it without registering.

The title is: "Please share your not quite doubling beta success stories!"

Lots of good stories there.

Alyssa said...

Hilary, I am sorry this is causing you such panic. I can offer the story of my friend Kira. She is super-fertile and when she decided to get pregnant with her first child, she and her husband managed it on the first try. (Which is what happened with #2 who is due in January.) At any rate, when she went in for her first betas with BOTH babies, they did not double beautifully right away. She was very concerned when it happened the first few times with her first child. The baby was born nine months later and is beautiful, smart, happy, and healthy. When her betas did not double with #2, Kira didn't worry about it because it had happened before. This pregnancy has been just fine and baby #2 will be here in a few weeks.

I will send you positive energy and good thoughts, my dear. Keep us posted.

Martin said...

Stay Positive Hilary.

Strong & Positive.