Friday, November 9, 2007


I feel really happy today.

It's Friday and the eve of a long weekend (hooray for Remembrance Day!). I have a lovely, relaxing weekend in store for myself and all is well in my world (*knocking on wood as I type this*).

I feel very well taken care of. The fertility clinic, my acupuncturist, my family, my husband and my friends have all been this wonderful fluffy, warm security blanket for me over the past few weeks. It is solely due to this comfort that everyone has provided that I feel so good and happy. I am enveloped in support.

I have kept myself to a very strictly nutritious diet over the past few weeks but this morning, I decided just to relax about all that stuff. Of course I'm still going to eat as healthfully as possible, I'm just not going to stress about it. I'm just not going to stress about anything. I'm done with all that.

I know as much as I can possibly know about this process. I am as healthy as I can possibly be right now. Anything that I have even a modicum of control over, is already controlled to the best of my abilities. Nothing left to do but sit back and allow this process to happen. I am surrendering to it all, and I must admit, it feels wonderful to relinquish the white-knuckle grasp that I've been maintaining. I'm letting it happen, letting it be, letting it go.


Mel said...

you are fabulous and you are such a fabulous place today, in this very moment which you wrote your blog. cherish that feeling, it's so awesome.
enjoy your long weekend, brat!

Katarina Jelly Beana said...

I'm so happy you are in such a good place! Turning over control is such a huge thing for me, I'm glad it's come to you so swiftly.

Enjoy the healthy food!