Sunday, November 18, 2007

OK I Lied

Ya know how, just a few short hours ago, on the bottom of my last post I wrote something to the effect of "I'm going to try not to stress about it" (with regard to my high E2 level)?

Well, shortly after I wrote that, I started searching Dr. Google and well, basically worked myself into a foaming-at-the-mouth balls out lather me up frenzy of panic. I employed such key words as "high E2 day 4 of stims doomed" and "E2 over 1000 IVF failed". Let me tell you, there is a lot of bad news on the internet.

So I finally just bit the bullet emailed my doctor about my concern. And being the incredibly great doctor she is, she emailed back within a few hours (which is amazing for a Sunday).

This was her response:

"Hi Hilary,
Nope, it's not too high. This is usually a very good sign. We like the
E2 to be around 400-800. If it's a little higher we just back off a
bit. If it was over 2,000 or less than 300 I would be worried. It
likely means you have lots of follicles growing.
Take care"

To say this reply made me feel better is an understatement. Sweet, sweet relief.


RBandRC said...

YAY for your RE. She sounds great!

Alyssa said...

I'm totally impressed with your RE-e-mail on a Sunday? Wow!! And, doubly impressed because she gave you just the right news. I would like her much less if she had said something we didn't want to hear! :)