Sunday, March 9, 2008

17 Weeks Today

17 weeks pregnant today (yay!) ... Not too much to report at the moment, I'm enjoying a lazy Sunday.

My mum came over yesterday to help clean (read: totally take over the cleaning of) our second bedroom which is destined to become the baby's room. She did a great job, and after a couple of hours and a trip to the Salvation Army, I can finally say that room is nearly ready to start furnishing with baby stuff. Thank you, MUM!

As for Friday's "incident", thank you all for your input. I am hoping that I'll get really lucky and everything blows right over with nary a minute of sh*t fallout to rain down upon me and my worry-weary soul. We shall see. I'll definitely keep you all posted over the next week or so.

I feel out of it. The time change has really screwed with my brain!


Martin said...


sweet adorable mother of whatsits...
Time is really flying!

(please tell me the time change is just there and I've not totally missed something and will make a wally of myself at work again tomorrow?)

AwkwardMoments said...

wooo 17!! grats to you

Mazzy said...

congrats on 17 weeks, hil!