Tuesday, December 18, 2007

It Was The Best Of Times, It Was The Worst Of Times, It Was The Best Of Times Again

I floated around on a cloud all day yesterday.  It was heaven.

I spent the morning waiting for the results and when Dr. T herself called to deliver them, I was fairly certain we were in the for the worst.  But to my surprise, she said, "Have you heard about your beta results?  They were out of this world!"  To that, I just started sobbing.  Then she told me something that made my heart sing:  "It looks like this is a viable pregnancy".  Viable.  The most beautiful word in the English language.

I asked her if we're out of the woods now, thanks to our good results, or if I still need to be worried.  She replied that we could "relax a ton" but would still need to be a tiny bit worried because, as she said, "I don't ever tell my patients to relax in the first trimester."  Fair enough.

My next beta is tomorrow (Wednesday) morning and the numbers need to be in the 4700 range.  Truth be told, I really don't want to have another blood test.  After what we just went through, I'm scared to go again.  But then again, if Scrappy and I can make it through the first three tests, then we can make it through one more, right?


Mel said...

Wow, I've been indisposed the past several days and just caught up on all your STRESSFUL news!! I cannot believe what you've been through.
I am praying for you and hoping that "Scrappy" pulls through and those hCg values keep going up. Waiting anxiously for the results of your beta tomorrow!

Martin said...

Well the "funny" (no better word, sorry) thing about all this, is that now you are just at the beginning!

You've been through so much, and you've just started.

That blows my mind lol...

How is Dad doing? I'm calling for more daddy talk, and granny too, she has good taste does granny!


AwkwardMoments said...

you can do it!

Alyssa said...

Scrappy's doing good in there, I can just feel it! I'm so glad you've been floating on a cloud-you've EARNED it! Can't wait to hear your good news from the next beta, too!

Kristen said...

Wow, I just caught up with the madness! I have tears of joy for you, seriously! I am praying your little Scrappy can hang on and beat the odds. Hoping for a super beta today! Keep us posted ASAP! XOXO

Barb said...

Good thing you went for that blood test, b/c it sure was a relief huh?