Thursday, October 11, 2007

7 Weeks & Counting...

I feel great having made the decision to go ahead with IVF. It probably seems a bit drastic to skip over IUI altogether, but when we compared the costs and success rates, it seemed like such an easy decision. Especially since, well, I wanna be pregnant...yesterday.

I'm a lot less anxious and stressed out now that we know what our next step will be. I called my parents today and talked it over with them, and they are extremely supportive. My mom has even offered to come and stay with me during and after the whole IVF process, so that I can stay off my feet as much as possible. I love my mom and I really appreciate the offer. I'm lucky to have such encouraging parents. All I have to do is utter the word "grandchild" under my breath and they'll come running from two states over!

So...approximately 7 weeks to go. 7 weeks filled to the brim with meds, shots, blood tests, appointments, ultrasounds, waiting and blogging. My dear readers, I vow to you that I will document everything in this blog. Every milestone, every emotion, every squeamish detail. I hope by doing that, it will serve as a resource for anyone else out there in cyberspace who is thinking about IVF, or who is planning to go through it. I know I find a tremendous amount of amazing information from the other blogs out there; I only hope I can give back some knowledge through this process.

Blog it out, baby!


AwkwardMoments said...

Thinking of you

RBandRC said...

It is so nice to make a decision and be happy with the direction you're headed. I felt the exact same way when I switched clinics. Good for you!

And there is no need worry about your comment on my blog. I appreciate your advice and honestly, I agree with where you're coming from. I struggle with hope. But I'm not entirely devoid of it (much as I wish I was sometimes). I appreciate having you there to read and give feedback and support. :)