Born on Sunday, August 24th, at 2:03am.
7lbs 10oz, 20 inches long.
Without further ado, here she is (we couldn't find our good camera at the last minute so we took all these photos on D's iPhone - apologies for the quality...):

We are so in love!
Maya is perfect and gorgeous in every way. She is such a sweet, funny baby and smells exactly like vanilla cake baking in the oven. I have never known love like this, never.
And I have a crazy insane birth story to share with you guys... complete with my water suddenly breaking in the car and a whirlwind 5-hour super speedy (but very smooth) labour. We just got home from the hospital last night and I'm still getting settled, but keep checking in for our birth story which I will try to post in the next couple of days...Stay tuned!
OH MY GOD!!!!! I was refreshing your blog almost every 10mins hoping to see some good news!!! CONGRATs!!!!!!!
I came across your blog recently and read all the back posts on some otherwise very dull afternoons. I am so glad she is finally here - I meant to comment earlier as some friends of mine went way more overdue than you, and had happy, healthy babies despite induction.
Congratulations - I don't know you nor you me but she is beautiful and I nearly cried (in my office!) at your post.
YAY!!! She is absolutely beautiful! Congrats!
I can't wait to hear the rest of the story!
Oh, YAY! Welcome, Maya!!!!!
My goodness, you certainly weren't in the hospital for very long - I'm gladd everything went smoothly!! :-)
She's beautiful.
absolutely delicious! congratulations, and I can't wait for the birth story.
i knewit!!!! sqeeeeeeeeeeeee! WOOT! WOOT!
congrats a 1,000 times over.
get settled in and then tell us every detail.
She is gorgeous, congratulations!
She is SO beautiful... I was thinking about you Sunday when you didn't post... certain you were meeting your baby girl.
YAY!!! Congratulations, mama!!
Welcome Maya, happy birth day.
Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for sharing and with pics even. She is definitely a princess. Enjoy every moment.... I am so happy for you and your family!!!!!!!!!! Congrats!!!
Please do share the birth story after you are rested.... and more pics.
gorgeous baby maya!!! congrats
Congratulations... she is stunning!
I having nothing more articulate than WOW. Just wow, and beautiful, and perfect, and a doll.
Congratulations family!
(I've been here since day one and yet a BILLION people get to this post before me! No fair.)
Oh, Hilary, she is beautiful! Congratulations, mama and enjoy this wonderful time! XOXO
Hilary, she is gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous. Congratulations on the birth of your daughter and your new life together as a family of three! I'm so thrilled for you!
Congrats on MAYA! She's beautiful!!!
Congrats and she's beautiful!!
Oh Hillary! She is the prettiest baby in the entire world. Congratulations on the wonderful blessing to your life. Looking at your beautiful and happy family brought tears to my eyes. The intense and overwhelming love that you are experiencing has only just begun. My your life be full of many amazing moments and cherished memories. Congratulations to you all. Debbie Krebs
Welcome Maya!!!!
She was soooooooooooooo worth the wait. A truly beautiful baby.
I am so happy that your dream has come true.
Yay congrats! I knew when your "still preggers" posts stopped you were likely seeing some action. She is gorgeous!
She's beautiful! Congratulations!!
OMG just beautiful. That first photo she does look exactly like a doll.Congratulations to you both.
Time to change your blog title to The Crying Game lol
Paint it Black
Oh, she is absolutely gorgeous!!! I am SO happy that she finally arrived, happy and healthy. I'm waiting with bated breath for the birth story!
C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S ! ! !
congratulations!! love that wee chin. she's gorgeous. can't wait to hear about her entry to the world! finally!!
CONGRATULATIONS Hilary. This is wonderful news
Aww, congratulations!!
(I'm so jealous of your labor!)
Congratulations, she is ADORABLE!
As a sign of gratitude for how my wife was saved from PCOS, i decided to reach out to those still suffering from this.
My wife suffered pcos in the year 2013 and it was really tough and heartbreaking for me because he was my all and the symptoms were terrible, she always complain of heavy menstruation, and she always have difficulty falling asleep . we tried various therapies prescribed by our neurologist but none could cure her. I searched for a cure and i saw a testimony by someone who was cured and so many other with similar body problem, and he left the contact of the doctor who had the cure to pcos . I never imagined polycystic ovary syndrome. has a natural cure not until i contacted him and he assured me my wife will be fine. I got the herbal medication he recommended and my wife used it and in one months time she was fully okay even up till this moment she is so full of life. polycystic ovary syndrome. has a cure and it is a herbal cure contact the doctor for more info on on how to get the medication. Thanks admin for such an informative blog.
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