Tuesday, September 11, 2007

13 DPO - Two More Negative HPTs

I took one hpt this morning (negative) and another one when I got home from work (negative). I know better than to think that a 9 hour difference would give me a different result, but I did it anyway. I was hoping for a miracle.

I really feel like I could be pregnant. The cramps and spotting are completely gone, and there seems to be no sign of my period coming at all. It is very unusual for me to have cramping and spotting but no period, like I did the last few days. Of course, ever since the miscarriage, there's no telling what's "usual" for me anymore. Notably, my temp went up (a bit) this morning also. I temped in the middle of the night when I got up to pee (37.47, and then again when I got up at my usual time (37.77). I wasn't sure which one to chart, so I used the lower of the two, for good measure.

So if I am pregnant, why would I be testing negative at 13 DPO? The only reasoning I can think of for this is that I implanted late (hence the spotting and cramping 9-12 DPO) and it will still take some time for the HCG levels to get into my bloodstream, and go from my bloodstream through my kidneys and into my urine. And then, of course, the levels have to build up enough in my urine to be registered by a test. I looked up this information online (of course), and I'm thinking that the research says it would take around 4-5 days for this to happen. Therefore, let's say implantation was complete on 10 DPO, so that means I wouldn't be able to get a positive test until at least 14 or 15 DPO. Or maybe it's just wishful thinking, I say as I stare at my freshly peed on negative pregnancy test.

This process is so funny. Just a few weeks ago, I was praying for my HCG levels to go down enough so we could start trying again. Now I just want them to go up up up!!!

I'll test again tomorrow. After that, I'm out of tests so I'll have to buy some more. That is, IF my period doesn't come.

I'm really hoping for a miracle here.