Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Sunny Day Antics & Reality Sets In

I guess Maya's eyes are really open now. Yesterday she was having a bit of a quiet day. I did feel her kicking and moving, albeit more infrequently and more lightly than usual. That was, until, I sat on my patio with a book, and proceeded to lift my shirt exposing my belly to the bright sunlight. All of the sudden, she started kicking away. My belly was popping and rolling all around as she put on her show. Amazing.

It struck me yesterday, I mean really struck me, that this kid is coming in somewhere between nine and eleven weeks. Holy! We haven't even bought a crib yet. Or a stroller. Or anything, really. I am suddenly realizing we need to get cracking and get prepared for this baby!

It also struck me yesterday, as I was lying in bed, that I'm going to be a mum very soon. Like, for real. Obviously I've known that for some time, but last night it really sunk in. I am going to be responsible for a baby human. It's a little scary to think about! Luckily, my excitement FAR OUTWEIGHS my fear at this point.  But there is definitely some fear. I just want to be a great mum so very much.

So that's where I'm at. 72 hours until maternity leave.


Mazzy said...

How exciting! You are almost there and I am so thrilled for you!!!

Martin said...

There's a great change in tone from you lately, less anxiety, more excitement.

Lovely to see.

AwkwardMoments said...

YAH for maya liking sunlight!

I am so jealous of your mat. leave. I am at work and all I can think about is my bed or couch.

You better get crackin lady! 9-11 weeks comes quick, lol. I don't have a nursery yet - but i sure can tell you to get motivated! ;)

christina(apronstrings) said...

holy cow! so, how much are you going to be outside in the sun with belly exposed : )

wear sunscreen!

RBandRC said...

So exciting!!! Enjoy!

sarah23 said...

I can't believe that the time is passing so quickly!! I hope you can get everything you need. Are you going to have a baby shower? You may get a lot of stuff there. :)

Barb said...

Of course there's fear! You're allowed to have all those emotions.