Sunday, February 24, 2008

15 Weeks Today

Holy moly 15 weeks! For some reason, 15 weeks sounds like a lot to me. Waaay more than 14 weeks. Not sure why. But I'm so happy to be here!

I've been actively trying not to worry as much. I think my anxiety has been improving, slowly, but it's still a challenge. I still do find myself falling into the same pattern of being anxious pretty often. But when that happens, I have been just trying to focus on the positives and milestones that we've reached so far. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. But it's a small improvement. I'll take it.

One thing that has definitely helped is having that Doppler around. I don't use it that often - the goal is no more than once a week - but I find just having it in the house helps immensely. Just knowing that I can hear that gorgeous heartbeat anytime I want is a fabulous luxury. If I'm having a worry-filled moment, a quick session with the Doppler usually puts my fears at ease. I'm a big fan. Money well spent for sure.

The baby's movement will also be a nice source of reassurance, and that should be starting any day now. I think I've felt something a few times already but it's so hard to tell because I don't know what I'm feeling for. I'm definitely looking forward to feeling those obvious baby kicks. I can't wait!

Everyone seems to think that Scrappy is a girl, except for my husband. I personally have no idea and don't have a preference either way, as long as s/he is healthy, happy and strong. I can't wait to find out. If for no other reason than to provide my baby daydreams with some specifics. And of course, for the shopping.


Mazzy said...

Glad to hear you are feeling better about things and that all is well on the Scrappy front. 15 weeks is a fabulous milestone!

Martin said...

If I were a betting man, girl would get my vote too. No idea why.

RBandRC said...

YAY for 15 weeks! And good for you for trying to calm your anxiety. I know it's hard. Trust me, I've had rough times with it too...feeling movement does help, just don't worry if you feel the baby sometimes and not others. Totally normal--or so I've been told.


AwkwardMoments said...

Congrats to 15 weeks!! I am glad that you are feeling like you are workng through your anxiety